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Infowars Money Bomb 2011 Part 1/8

November 5, 2011

Here are the first 4 hours.

NEW Ron Paul Music Video: Battle For The Republic

October 12, 2007

DJ En’s at it again… This video is a little history lesson about how America once had to stand up against the system, and how history must repeat itself, except that this time, it is a war of words.

My Letter To Canada’s Prime Minister

September 25, 2007

Canadian PM Stephen Harper

Dear Stephen Harper,

I’m glad to hear that you are standing up somewhat against the Kyoto Protocol and the implications that it has against our economy and lifestyle as Canadians. Surely, the environment is an important issue. But it should never take precedence over our people. Furthermore, climate change is normal phenomena that occurs in cycles from time to time. To state that the climate always remains exactly the same would be foolish. Global warming however, is not even caused by people, as a fraction of the percentage of calculable global warming occurs due to all of mankind’s activities. Truly, it is more caused by solar warming as other planets in the solar system further from the sun are warming at a faster rate. For more on this, please refer to this site.

We are praying that you do a good job in running our country, Mr. Harper. We also hope that you will not let globalist shills (be they the Bilderbergers, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds or the military-industrial-medico-complex) sell out our country in the North American Union or any other global free trade union. We recognize that Canada is a sovereign and free nation.

Please let it remain that way.

Digg If You Value Your Free Speech

September 4, 2007

Source: Alex Jones

Right now, it’s only Digg and the mainstream media. In the future, it will be much, much more. Stop censorship in its tracks! We are only a few steps away from an Orwellian nightmare. The only cure for 1984 is 1776.

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Cell Phones Are Murder…

September 4, 2007

Cell Phones Give Lovely Headaches

Source: Daily Mail

Mobile phones can take as little as ten minutes to trigger changes in the brain associated with cancer, scientists claimed yesterday.

They found even low levels of radiation from handsets interfere with the way brain cells divide. Cell division encourages the growth of tumours.

Although the researchers did not come up with evidence that mobile phone signals are harmful, the findings suggest they could be.

Several major studies have also found no link between mobile use and brain tumours, nor a dramatic rise in cancer rates.

But campaigners insist the discovery undermines official advice that the devices are safe.

The guidance is based on the assumption that the phones emit too little radiation to heat the brain dangerously.

However, the new study by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel suggests “nonthermal” radiation could pose a risk.

The Israeli scientists exposed human and rat cells in a laboratory to low-level radiation at 875 megahertz – a similar frequency to the one used in many mobile phones.

Although the radiation was far weaker than emissions from a typical handset, it began to switch on a chemical signal inside the cells within ten minutes, the researchers report in the Biochemical Journal.

The chemical signals they detected were involved in the division of cells.

The researchers say the reaction was not caused by heating and claim they have found a separate way in which mobile phones could damage health.

Dr Rony Seger, a co-author of the study, told the magazine New Scientist: “The significance lies in showing cells do react to cellphone radiation in a non-thermal way.”

Although changes in the chemical pathway seen by the Israeli scientists have been linked to several cancers, the researchers say there was no sign of a cancer-causing effect.

Dr Simon Arthur, a health expert at Dundee University, said the effect was ‘unlikely to cause cancer’.

Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki, said: “If cell-phone radiation cannot induce biological effects then there will never be any health effects.

“On the other hand if we can show this radiation is able to induce biological effects then we have a different story.”

A major review of mobile phone safety is due to be published by the Health Protection Agency next month.

The agency’s last major report, in 2004, found no evidence mobiles were a serious health risk. It did, however, caution against excessive use, especially by the young.

Dr Michael Clark, a spokesman for the agency, said: “Because of findings like this that pop up from time to time, a precautionary approach is justified.”

Graham Philips, of campaign group Powerwatch, said: “Safety guidelines assume health effects from mobiles can only occur when significant heating of body tissue occurs.

“This study shows biological changes in response to low-level mobile phone radiation – something that could potentially have implications for health.

“Further research is required, however guidance based purely on thermal effects is clearly out of date.”

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Alex Jones Predicted 9/11 Before It Happened

September 3, 2007

Source: Youtube

How did he know? He saw the trends, he knew that the globalists had done false flag terror ops before. Watch the video. I know this has been digged before, and is all over the Internet. He also predicted this on his radio show. You can find the archives HERE

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Alex Jones pwnz Globalist Shill Ann Coulter

September 1, 2007

Source: GCN Network

Ann Coulter came out with a paperback entitled “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” She tries to reinforce the false left-right paradigm through her writing, but exposes her narrow-minded, uneducated views on Alex Jones’ radio show. Alex sets her straight at the end of the show. A must listen!


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Next Attack: Atlanta, Chicago & Dallas?

September 1, 2007


Source: The Engima Radio Network

ERN reported a prediction on Wednesday that the next terrorist attack could take place in Atlanta, and likely also in Chicago and Dallas. False-flag?


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Ron Paul Wins Five Straw Polls, Mainstream Media Remains Silent

August 31, 2007

Posted by Chris Brunner at August 23, 2007 05:28 AM

Whether it’s Washington, Alabama, New Hampshire, or South Carolina, the message is the same. We want our freedom, our rights, our money, and our country back, and we’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Thousands are driving from all over their states to show support resulting in straw poll victories for Ron Paul with percentages as high as 81%. Dr. Paul has placed in a total of 16 straw polls now, tying him with Romney and thrusting him far beyond Giuliani in terms of visible support, and not a word about the trend can be heard from the mainstream media. To put this into perspective, there were over 4,800 articles in the mainstream media about the Iowa straw poll in which Mitt Romney spent over $200,000 ensuring his win, while there are a whopping 162 mainstream articles combined from all five straw polls in which Ron Paul was victorious. Most of these mentions are no more than a one-senence blurb incorporated into an article about a more general topic. But, this is the Internet, and we have access to the truth:

Straw Poll Victories
New Hampshire Taxpayers, July 7 ~ 1st 65.3%
North Carolina, Gaston GOP, August 13, ~ 1st 36.6%
New Hampshire, Stafford, NH, August 18 ~ 1st 72.7%
Alabama, August 18 ~ 1st 81.2%
Washington State, August 21 ~ 1st 28.1%

Utah GOP, June 12, 2nd 5.4% conference, June 16 ~ 2nd 16.7%
Georgia, Cobb Co. GOP, July 4 ~ 2nd 17%
South Carolina, Georgetown Co., July 28 ~ 2nd 18%
West Lafayette, Indiana, August 18 ~ 2nd 11.7%

Number of Times Placing In Top Three

Candidate First Second Third Total
Ron Paul 5 5 6 16
Mitt Romney 4 6 6 16
Fred Thompson 10 4 0 14
Rudy Giuliani 0 3 2 5
Mike Huckabee 0 2 3 5
Duncan Hunter 0 1 3 4
Sam Brownback 1 0 1 2
John McCain 1 0 1 2
Tommy Thompson 0 1 0 1
John Cox 0 0 0 0
Jim Gilmore 0 0 0 0
Tom Tancredo 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0

Source: Oklahomans for Ron Paul

Clearly, it’s up to us to get the word out. Join your local meetup, talk to family, friends, and co-workers. This is our one chance to save our country. Let’s make it happen!

We appreciate you!

Successfully yours,

Christopher S. Lawton

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Most Innovative Election Ad Ever!!!

August 31, 2007