Posts Tagged ‘order’

Infowars Money Bomb 2011 Part 1/8

November 5, 2011

Here are the first 4 hours.

My Letter To Canada’s Prime Minister

September 25, 2007

Canadian PM Stephen Harper

Dear Stephen Harper,

I’m glad to hear that you are standing up somewhat against the Kyoto Protocol and the implications that it has against our economy and lifestyle as Canadians. Surely, the environment is an important issue. But it should never take precedence over our people. Furthermore, climate change is normal phenomena that occurs in cycles from time to time. To state that the climate always remains exactly the same would be foolish. Global warming however, is not even caused by people, as a fraction of the percentage of calculable global warming occurs due to all of mankind’s activities. Truly, it is more caused by solar warming as other planets in the solar system further from the sun are warming at a faster rate. For more on this, please refer to this site.

We are praying that you do a good job in running our country, Mr. Harper. We also hope that you will not let globalist shills (be they the Bilderbergers, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds or the military-industrial-medico-complex) sell out our country in the North American Union or any other global free trade union. We recognize that Canada is a sovereign and free nation.

Please let it remain that way.