Archive for the ‘Propaganda’ Category

CENTCOM’s Comment Crusader

September 10, 2007


“Prove that anything I’ve posted has been wrong. Go ahead and try. I’ll check back for your results.”

I’ve already written about disinfo agents on the Internet, spreading their propaganda. I’d now like to take a closer look at what they are doing on the comments sections on the posts they attack on Digg. You should be familiar with Herkimer56. Here are some lies and quips he has made:

If he wasn’t in it for the money then why would he be selling so much shit on his web site and why would he be charging people $50 a month for the privilege of listening to his lies? Get a clue.”

That’s a lie. You can listen to him for free. Alex Jones authorizes the non-profit copying of all his materials for educational purposes. So you can listen here on his web site He offers a free 24-hour rebroadcasting stream. You can also listen on the GCN Network, KLBJ 590 AM, Shoutcast, satellite, shortwave, and syndicated radio broadcast nationwide. Or you can download his podcast. Or download his programs at several independent websites, and on bittorrent. He also offers free news on his sites including,, and You might have been thinking about his Video/Audio/Ebook portal website. He does charge for premium content $5.95 per month, but featured content is free. You could get a bulk membership for that $50 you mentioned (11 accounts plus change).

That site is well worth it. It has a lot of other stuff that isn’t his, including videos you would pay good money for elsewhere (but he has partnerships with the content owner).

If you appreciate freedom, spend $5.95/month and sign up today.

Next comment:

“Olbermann is an albino? I didn’t know that. I knew, of course, that he is a freak.”

He makes ridiculous ad hominem attacks against anybody challenging the status quo. “Go back to sleep, nothing to see here, everything is fine, the war is good, Osama will kill you unless you support a strict totalitarian regime”…that kind of fearful and uninsightful thinking. Why is encouraging this attitude?

We must assume that he has the worst intentions. Monarchs in the past accused their enemies of being “anarchists” when in fact they were just being human beings.

Speaking of cowards, I see that Alex just rolled over and allowed them to slap the cuffs on. It’s a good thing for him that he’s totally wrong about the cops and the government or he would have disappeared in to the East River.”

No, if Alex Jones is right, they wouldn’t dare make him a martyr, because then we would have ten or a hundred little Alex Jones to take his place. Any corrupt regime knows that when you destroy the leader, you risk inciting a revolution.

Like hell he does. Every one of his movies is for sale anywhere he can talk them in to carrying them. And then there’s the merchandise and books that he keeps pushing as well as the $50 a month subscription fee that people pay him to listen to his lies. Peddle your bullshit and your loser candidate elsewhere.”

There Herkimer goes on again about the phantom $50 monthly fee people must pay to listen to Alex Jones…and then he says it a third time. Repeating a lie doesn’t change actual truth.

Here’s a pathetic attempt at character assassination:

Kicking a man when he’s down is the best time to do it. There’s less of a chance of pulling something and you can get more force behind the kick. And since when does Alex Jones qualify as a man?

It’s not even worth arguing about. He’s also very offensive to the handicapped:

“This is like watching a retard rumble. Highly entertaining and whoever wins is still a retard.”

Saying comments like those does nothing to prove your point, but might buy you credit in crowds of scum out there.

No, that’s wrong. The weekend before the attacks there was a power down on about forty floors of one of the towers for a matter of a few hours. It would have taken months to plant all of the explosives required to bring down the towers and interior structures would have had to be removed so workers could get to the supporting members to plant the hundreds of tons of explosives that would have been required. Just how did they do all of that with no one noticing?”

There were renovations going on in the World Trade Center weeks before the attack. Some sections of the building were closed off. Occupancy was very low on the floors where the planes hit due to renovations. Similar renovations were going on in the Pentagon. It is quite possible for the demolitions to have been planted in the World Trade Center buildings. But more than that, how else the heck do three buildings (WTC Buildings 1, 2 and 7) fall down into their footprint at near-freefall speed? (One of which was not hit by a plane…and remember the two larger towers were designed to withstand the impact of a 707. At least, if the buildings fall, it should have been only partially, and at an angle. But we’ve seen several towers burn for hours in infernos, and the frame of the building is still intact.

But the official story, as you call it, isn’t impossible. Dozens of independent investigations preformed by Universities and engineering groups all over the world indicate that NIST got it right. The fact is, the truthers can’t prove anything they say because their theories are totally unsupported by the facts.”

Really? The NIST Review was a total whitewash. And how could they do physical investigations when the remains of the building were shipped off to China? Independent investigations have yet to be done – there has always been some mainstream contributing tie or sponsor.

“At the time of the attacks the WTC was 95% occupied. That’s a fantastic number for a complex that large. Oh, and it’s going to cost more than $861 million to rebuild the complex. Larry Silverstein lost a ton of money on the deal.”

This quote really demonstrates that Herkimer56 is an astute liar, not merely some parroting buffoon. The capacity of building is much higher than the occupancy on 9/11. Estimates say the occupancy rates were as low as a tenth normal amounts on that morning. Larry Silverstein made a lot of money on 9/11, as he wisely invested in an insurance policy. At the end of two trials in 2004, a federal court decided that the insurers owed a maximum of $4.6 billion, more than the $3.5 billion term of the insurance policy. Silverstein had originally claimed $7 billion, attempting to prove that the crashing of the two planes into two towers constituted two separate events.

And on Ron Paul, Herkimer56 comments:

Maybe it’s because he’s not a conservative, he’s a nut.”

He’s a nut? Proof? Because he’s founding father material, perhaps? Or because he believes in the constitution, wants to abolish the federal reserve, the CIA and FBI (which are large and inefficient, and fail us consistently) as well as get rid of big government?

Yeah, Herkimer56, I can see that Ron Paul is a real threat to your payroll. Because Ron Paul would probably abolish all those spy programs CENTCOM has. You see, Herk engages people with constant lies, but offers no rational thought or room for error on your part. He doesn’t admit to mistakes, but he point out all sorts of “errors” in everybody else as if he was the fount of all human knowledge and the pontiface of wisdom. But truly, Herkimer56, you are a liar. And you work for bigger liars.

If Herkimer sounded rational, or attempted to talk to people on a more human, compassionate level, I could accept that maybe he was just blindsighted and extremely opinionated. But based on his comments, we can safely write Herki off as a comment crusader, working day and night, brought to us by our loving government.

1776jedi analyzes Herk’s behavior:

“I did an assessment of Herk’s comments since his account started and found that the only way he could possibly make as many comments as he does would be to spend eight hours a day doing it.

So I’m not the only one who thinks this. Thank God!

In a comment about Alex Jones movie, Herkimer writes:

Alex Jones is clearly insane and anyone who buys in to this shit is either insane as well or a moron. Why don’t you people get together and go live on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere so sane people don’t have to deal with you anymore.

What evidence is there to prove this? Why are people insane or stupid when they believe logical truth? Why does Herki constantly intimidate and bully people on Digg all day who disagree with his sham? 99% of his comments are negative. This shows that he is just a troll.

He rarely states what he would do and when he does it’s always something that he has no chance in hell of doing. Abolish the IRS? Oh, yeah, Congress is just going to roll over and let that happen. Eliminate the Department of Education? That’s a laugh. The President is legally responsible for enforcing all laws and regulations passed by Congress and he’ll need all of the current agencies to do that. If he were to eliminate, say, the FDA he would be publicly refusing to enforce all of the laws and regulations that Congress has passed covering things like food purity and drug testing. Refusing to enforce the law would be an impeachable offense and he would be out of office before his first year was up and he knows this. To continue to state that he would do these things when he knows he can’t means that he’s a bigger liar than Bush.”

The IRS is not a legitimate institution. Ronald Reagan admitted in his presidency that not once red cent of America’s tax dollars goes back to the taxpayer. It’s a total sham. As for the Department of Education, have you looked at the public school system lately? Seen Miss Teen USA? People are getting stupider fast, and it’s because they are being dumbed down in a broken system. As to the FDA, it is not in the constitution, so it can be stricken down. Who wants drug companies ruling America’s sick health system anyways? Seen “Sicko” yet? Michael Moore has proven that Cubans receive better health care and cheaper drugs.

Herkimer should get an award for the most ad hominems ever used on Digg. Nothing to be proud of:

“They’ve even come up with disparaging names for Ron Paul fans: Paulies, Paulbots, Pauliens, Paulites, Paulers and, my personal favorite, Paul Bearers.” Paul Bearers is brilliant! However, he left out Ronbots and Ronulans.”

Of course, people such as Ron Paul are against paid propaganda and propagandists…so you find the need to insult his camp.

Artemus states:

“The problem with Herk…is that he refuses to debate rationally. Any time you speak to him, he’ll lecture you about how wrong you are, and try to humiliate you. Debate? I wish that was possible, but he is more interested in stifling debate, rather than promoting it.

Looks like we’re not the only one who has differences with Herkimer’s behavior. Another Digg user writes:

“There are people like this on YouTube too. Isn’t this treason? Why do we pay taxes anymore? All we do is give them money to fight the truth. It’s a lot like cutting our own throats. If you can’t do anything else in this fight go into work tomorrow and talk to the proper people and tell them that you’ll pay your own taxes from now on and that you don’t want them taken out of your pay. Let’s keep them so busy at the IRS tracking us down that they’ll go bankrupt and can’t pay their employees. If they had to prosecute even 40% of the population they couldn’t do it and they’d have to transfer these guys to count beans at the IRS! All we need is enough time to get Ron Paul in and then maybe we can throw the rest of these guys in their own FEMA camps!
Sounds like a plan to me!”

Rabbit63 reflects:

“I know this guy from threads and many of his slimy mates. I’d guess several of the names are his alter egos also. Scumbags and cretins all of them. CENTCOM scrapes the bottom of the humanity barrel to get anyone to work for them these days.”

Paid shills are scum but amateur trolls are worse still. Lies for fun?

MrEguy has stated that Herkimer56 has NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I’m not sure if he’s just paid to act that way, but it sums it up nicely.

But we can forgive him for that. What’s unforgiveable is his employer: CENTCOM.

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COINTELPROAgent: Life As An Agent

September 6, 2007


COINTELPROAgent, whom I will call COPagent for short, is stalking Digg users and spamming Digg full of government propaganda. He’s on the payroll, working all day long trolling Digg. Let’s examine some of these headlines for humor’s sake…

Let’s focus on what he’s been posting about Ron Paul. Here are some of his digg submissions:

Caught In the Act – Ron Paul Being a Tool for Terrorists

Was Ron Paul Behind 9/11?

Then he proceeds with ad hominem attacks:

Ron Paul is Nuts

Ron Paul is a Traitor

Ron Paul Stands in Favor of Genocide

Ron Paul: How do you say “Israel must be wiped off the map”?

To attacking his supporters with more ad homs:

Ron Paul Supporters Are Truly Lunatics…

The Ron Paul Effect – when spam politics goes wrong

And disinformation:

Ron Paul Wins “Most Boring” Poll

Ron Paul and Kucinich Declare Themselves Enemy Combatants

Here are some senseless racist accusations:

THE SUN: Ron Paul’s Race Problem

He also likes to insult Mr. Paul’s intelligence:

Ron Paul: Not so smart?

A lot of these are just plain lies:

Ron Paul Sez “Secret Funding” For Fantasy “NAFTA Superhighway”

Ron Paul still polling nationally at (1 ± 3)%

He then posts the completely insane:

Ron Paul Will Protekt Us From Teh UFOs

STUPID: Illuminati/NWO Loons Believe Lizards Plot Against Us

They really must like those lizards

But the most inane, asinine post I have ever seen on Digg that this troll posted was:

Ron Paul – “Not a credible candidate”!

COPagent also rants and raves against Alex Jones, Tax Evasion, and anything against the current status quo of the non-choice, no-different two party political system. Chumps like this guy love to use the words “truther,” “Ronbot,” “Sick,” “Sad,” and “Alexbot” as if that’s the only vocabulary they have. And don’t forget ALL CAPS for attention, and lots of exclamation marks and strawman arguments.

Most of it is blogspam with a touch of neo-con/fake liberal columnists throwing in their pile of crap to try and suppress the Ron Paul Revolution.

His comments are pretty nuts too. And eloquent.

But it won’t work, because WE KNOW YOUR GAME.

If you hate free speech and America, maybe you should join up with this guy. For everybody else, support Ron Paul, digg pro-RP articles and bury this spam. We need to put the trolls in their place.

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Alex Jones pwnz Globalist Shill Ann Coulter

September 1, 2007

Source: GCN Network

Ann Coulter came out with a paperback entitled “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.” She tries to reinforce the false left-right paradigm through her writing, but exposes her narrow-minded, uneducated views on Alex Jones’ radio show. Alex sets her straight at the end of the show. A must listen!


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FOX: We distort, You decide

August 30, 2007


Some great video coverage on Fox demonizing Iran before the attack.


Hearst Publishing Whore History Channel Hits 9/11 Truth

August 22, 2007

Well, they’re at it again.

The History Channel, which is owned 37.5% by Disney, 37.5% by Hearst Publishing and 25% by NBC (which is owned by General Electric, a big military industrial complex player) aired a hit piece against the 9/11 Truth Movement.

The documentary was full of lies, fallacies, mis-statements, hacked-up video clips, and color and video morphing.

But thankfully people are being more sophisticated these days and aren’t believing all the lies that the MSM is giving to them.

For more info on what they did, and similar hit pieces, see:

Popular Mechanics Again Shills For Bush Administration

BBC Hit Piece a Tissue of Lies

The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit Pieces Airs Tonight

History Channel 9/11 Special Seen As Straw Man Hit Piece

History Channel Hit Piece: Dirty Tricks, Malicious Lies & Journalistic Fraud